What’s Included In A BESA Post Clean Report?

At Kitchen & Duct Cleaning Ltd we are proud of the various accreditations we have earned, including our Building Engineering Services Association (BESA) membership. In order to keep up our reputation and maintain consistently high standards, we follow the guidelines set out by organisations like BESA when we carry out our kitchen cleaning services.
For example, a Post Clean Report (PCR) is an important part of what we do for all of our clients. We provide a detailed report containing all relevant information regarding every cleaning job we complete. BESA provides specific instructions on what constitutes a proper PCR.
Why do we follow BESA guidelines?
It is very important to us that our clients are running their premises safely, and they understand how to maintain high standards of cleanliness. Fire hazards are a major part of this, especially when it comes to grease build-ups in extraction duct systems.
We follow BESA’s TR-19: Internal Cleanliness of Ventilation Systems, a publication outlining the necessary steps to minimise the risk of fire through extract cleaning. Following this, our PCR gives the client the reassurance that everything has been done professionally and thoroughly.
What will be included in my report?
On successful completion of a kitchen duct cleaning project, we will supply a certificate to that effect, along with the PCR containing the following information:
- Details of any risks identified
- A statement confirming if a full clean has been completed or not
- Justification as to why a full clean was not done, if it was not (this is usually due to an access problem that cannot be resolved)
- Guidance on how to complete the job or changes that need to be made in order for this to be possible
- Technical diagrams showing areas that have been cleaned and not cleaned
- Before and after photos demonstrating the work carried out
- Micron readings for multiple key locations in the kitchen
- Current cleaning frequency, and recommended cleaning frequency if this is not sufficient
If you have any further questions about the level of service you can expect from ourselves at KDC, then please get in contact and we will be happy to provide you with answers.