How to tell if your restaurant needs a deep clean

The UK has some of the most stringent health and hygiene regulations in the world when it comes to food preparation and, as a restaurant owner, it is your duty to see that they are met. In fact, the title of this blog is a question that shouldn’t need asking – your restaurant does need a deep clean, and you should ensure that you make it part of your regular cleaning cycle.
Good for your staff
Nobody wants to work in a dirty environment. Even taking that into account, a poorly cleaned kitchen is a health hazard in more ways than one. Built up grease and fat deposits present a serious fire risk in any commercial kitchen.
Good for your equipment
Deep cleaning your extractor hoods and ducts around your cookers isn’t just hygienic, it keeps them in good working order, as any moving parts are free of encrusted grime that can inhibit them from functioning properly.
Good for your business
As mentioned above, nothing is more likely to ruin a restaurant’s reputation than an ill-kept kitchen. Grease and fat deposits are breeding grounds for all kinds of bacteria that, should they contaminate the food, can result in serious health risks to your customers.
Good for your customers
Hygiene issues aside, depending on how your restaurant is laid out, customers may be able to see into your kitchen from the dining area. The sight of grease coated surfaces and stained walls are a sure-fire way to lose valued clientele. Conversely, if they can see how well kept and clean your cooking area is, that’s a key point they’re likely to mention to friends and family, or in an online review.
Here at Kitchen & Duct Cleaning Ltd, we provide a comprehensive restaurant cleaning service for commercial kitchens across London and the UK. Get in touch with us today on 0208 245 8850 for a free consultation with one of our staff and let us see how we can help you and your restaurant.