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How Often Does my Kitchen Need to be Deep Cleaned?

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How Often Does my Kitchen Need to be Deep Cleaned?

We all know that a commercial kitchen needs to be kept spotless for reasons of health and hygiene. Part of that cleaning regimen is an intensive and thorough deep cleaning of the kitchen surfaces, appliances, equipment, and ductwork.

But just how often do you need to be doing it?

A regular cleaning timetable

You should have your kitchen professionally cleaned at least once every six months. This isn’t just a recommendation. Under the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974, it is a legal obligation for any kitchen operated on a commercial basis. It further states that all food outlets are required to put in place a cleaning protocol that ensures an acceptable level of cleanliness at all times.

Additional deep cleans

What we do recommend, is that you arrange for your commercial kitchen to be deep cleaned at irregular intervals in between your six-monthly schedule. Of course, there is nothing in law to dictate this to you, but many kitchens choose to do so for their own peace of mind. Some choose to split the difference and have three-monthly deep cleans. Other choose to do it at significant moments: a new manager, perhaps, or in time for a big local event that attracts new customers to the area.

As it is needed

Done properly, a six-month cleaning cycle should be enough for any commercial kitchen. Likewise, the occasional extra clean should put you easily ahead of the game. That only leaves occasions that are out of your control, but which demand attention. Perhaps you’ve had to shut the kitchen down for an extended period. Perhaps there was flooding, fire, or some other mishap. Perhaps a member of staff claims to have seen a rat or some other vermin. Whatever the reason, these things cannot be planned for, but they can be dealt with by a professional deep cleaning company.

Here at Kitchen and Duct Cleaning, we offer an in-depth commercial kitchen cleaning services to our customers in London and around the UK. If it’s time for you to get your kitchen deep cleaned, call us on 0208 245 8850 for your free, no-obligation quote.

How Often Does my Kitchen Need to be Deep Cleaned?
Article Updated On:
March 5, 2024
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