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Company Coronavirus Update


covid 19

As you are doubtless already aware, the UK is currently undergoing a nationwide lockdown in efforts to “flatten the curve” of the recent COVID-19 (coronavirus) outbreak, and reduce the strain on our essential NHS providers.

Here at Kitchen & Duct Cleaning, we are in full support of the government’s advice that everybody but essential workers stay home, stay safe, and prevent this disease from spreading. As a professional deep cleaning company, our services are more in demand than ever during this period of lockdown.

Many companies are looking to have their premises professionally deep cleaned to eradicate any possible presence of coronavirus, and we are here to help. However, to ensure the continued safety of both our staff and our clients, we have taken the following measures.

Contactless deep cleaning service

Until we are advised otherwise, all our deep cleaning solutions will be performed on a contactless basis. We will ask that you direct us to the room (or rooms) that require deep cleaning and then retreat to another room or area, while we do our work. This minimises the risk of infection for both you and our team, and promotes social distancing.

Additional protective equipment

As a professional deep cleaning company, we already provide our staff with effective protective equipment, as they deal with strong chemicals and disinfectants daily. During this time, we are ensuring that their equipment is adequate at protecting them against COVID-19 and upgrading it where necessary. This will protect not only our cleaning teams, but our customers too.

Infection control cleaning

Part of the deep cleaning services we provide is infection control cleaning. This thorough cleaning process is specially designed to eradicate or contain infectious material through an intensive three-stage process. This includes deep cleaning by hand, disinfection of all surfaces, and a new technique called fogging. This process creates micro-droplets of biocides and disinfectant that hang in the air for up to ten minutes, allowing it to reach areas that are conventional cleaning methods cannot.

For more information, or to book a deep clean for your company premises, please call Kitchen & Duct cleaning today on 0208 245 8850.

Company Coronavirus Update
Article Updated On:
May 20, 2022
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